
Our bodies are a confusing thing no matter if you’re boy or girl shaped! Find out what’s going on during puberty.

Source: Emma Blackery’s YouTube Channel

Okaaaaaaay so it’s time to talk about puberty and all the things that you just aren’t told but really do need to know. Luckily for you, Emma Blackery has made this awesome video where she talks about the time in your life when the transformation from child to adult begins…

…aaaaand actually that’s one of her big points! It always kinda sounds like when you start puberty you’re suddenly an adult, or at least definitely not a kid any more, but that’s not true! Puberty is a long journey. It takes years, and the transformation is slow, bit by bit, and also it starts at different times for different people. Some girls will get periods and boobs at 10, some girls won’t till much later. The point is that neither is right or wrong because everyone is different. So be sensitive about the changes other people are going through, and don’t be anxious about your own. We’re all in this together! Also, boys, be sensitive about periods. Sensitive doesn’t mean afraid – because they’re perfectly normal – but just be aware that starting your period is a big deal so BE KIND.

Also also, the end of puberty doesn’t mean you automatically blossom into a beautiful young adult. The effects of all that change can take a while to settle in, so be patient and don’t worry if you sometimes think “I hate my face” or “I hate my body” or even just “why am I insecure about my body?!” when you’re going through these changes. Even the most gorgeous of celebrities looked verrrrrrrrry different when they were teens. Watch the video to see the transformations!

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Our bodies are a confusing thing no matter if you’re boy or girl shaped! Find out what’s going on during puberty.

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