Let’s Talk about Consent in Relationships
When it comes to relationships there really isn’t anything more important than communication, trust. There’s another really important part of relationships too though, and that’s sex, but you know the most important thing about sex? Communication. It really is that simple.
Consent is so, so, so, so (you starting to get it?) so important when it comes to sex. You might not be ready, they might not be ready, maybe neither of you are sure, or maybe you both are but don’t know the other is! Whether its your first time having sex or not, it’s confusing, and the only way to untangle it is by talking to each other. In this video four different young people give examples of how talking helped them to understand not just what their partner wanted, but also what they wanted. Talking helps you both to take your time and make sure you’re totally comfortable with each other before you do anything.
This video’s full of great advice, so don’t just do it. Talk about it.