My mind

We’ve got tips on gaining confidence, blasting anxiety and general life stuff from the people who’ve been there. Remember, we’re in this thing called life together!

We’ve all had it when we’re perfectly happy chilling at home after a hectic day, but when we go online we suddenly see loads of photos of EVERYONE ELSE at a party, or find out a load of friends are hanging out, and suddenly you start wondering “why don’t I have any friends?!” Hang on a sec though – cos you were perfectly happy a second ago so why the sudden change? It must be… *dramatic pause* FOMO!

You’ve gotta take a step back, and don’t do anything rash like hating on the picture or sending a nasty message – because life is never actually how it appears online. Getting jealous is a totally reasonable reaction at first, cos you feel hurt, but the pictures people post don’t show the whole story. That party might not be as good as it looks (because at really good parties, everyone’s way too busy dancing to post any images!) and it might be a totally random reason that your friends met up that day rather than a massive conspiracy!! So be careful not to sit around thinking “I have no friends and no life” cos that negative thought pattern won’t help you out. Instead, take a look around and remember that real life is where it’s at – not online life, which is super misleading and kind of a waste of time if it’s making you feel rubbish.

Enjoy chilling if that’s what you wanted at first, or if you see that some people are hanging somewhere else – just give them a call and go join them! They’re gonna be pleased to see you, and you’ll forget all about that FOMO once you’ve settled on a decision. You’re not destined to live a life without friends just cos you saw some photos online! Be cool, and live your best life in the real world – cos that’s what matters most.

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