
Our bodies are a confusing thing no matter if you’re boy or girl shaped! Find out what’s going on during puberty.

Welcome to puberty everyone! It’s home to changes in your body (which can lead to body insecurity – beware!) high-running emotions and an overwhelming sex drive. If you feel like all these changes are happening too fast (and at the same time as exams and revision – thanks life!) then you can rest assured everyone else your age feels the same.

Tomska has made this video to ease the pressure on you by talking about some of the embarrassing moments from his teens because – honestly – everyone has these stories and you’ve gotta accept that you’ll have some too. It’s all part of the fun! So, for example, Tomska suffered some terrible acne – it happens to a lot of people! – which was mainly focused on his chest. Watch the video to find out exactly what happened but it wasn’t pretty… It also wasn’t weird though, because acne is a totally normal side-effect of puberty and there’s plenty of medication that can help. Just let someone know if you’re suffering. He also tells a pretty funny story about his improvised shaving while in class..!

Finally, he tackles sex and how much it played on his mind at the time. Which was, like, all the time. All the time. And when you’re going through puberty it feels like the most important thing ever, but it will calm down, promise. Just keep your cool (and if you’re a guy, just get used to alllllll the boners) and make sure any decision you make about sex is calm and considered. Sexual pressures are real, but you can beat them.

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