My mind

We’ve got tips on gaining confidence, blasting anxiety and general life stuff from the people who’ve been there. Remember, we’re in this thing called life together!

In this video Jimmy invites Oliver Proudlock from Made in Chelsea, Skins star Laya Lewis and 4:01ster Alice on to the 4:01 Show to talk about stress – something which affects us all at some point in our lives. Shout out to all the stressed out college students! Lets hear it for the stressed out high school students!

Seriously, we know that students stress – it’s impossible not to with all those deadlines and exams – but the question is how to get over stress from school, or what to do when you’re trying to de-compress but your parents just won’t leave you alone! Firstly – you gotta remember your parents are just looking out for you – so if you really want some space just tell them (nicely!) and they’re sure to respect your wishes. To deal with the stress itself you can’t beat sport, or exercise. Going for a run or playing whatever sport you’re into is a really positive way of letting your body release all the tension that’s been building. It can seem like drinking, smoking or vaping *digression alarm* (erm… what is vaping? We’re kind of confused, which is why we don’t do it!) Anyway… It can seem like those things are a good way to de-stress but they don’t help in the long term. They may help distract from your exam time tension but it’s a short term solution and won’t do you any good.

So you’ve gotta be strong and don’t let smoking pressure or drinking pressure affect you if you’re stressed. Stay strong, and watch this video for great advice on soothing any tension from stressing over grades. You can do it!

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We’ve got tips on gaining confidence, blasting anxiety and general life stuff from the people who’ve been there. Remember, we’re in this thing called life together!

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